Monday, December 2, 2013

Uploaded Audio File of Message, December 1, 2013

In Sunday worship service,
the series of the Epistle to Philippians started last Sunday on November 24.
The series of the Epistle to Philippians 2 is the title of the message delivered 
by Rev. Isaiah Makoto Kihara on December 1 yesterday.

Making Arrangement For The Concert

They are making arrangements for the concert on December 14.

Full Scale

Sister N has been active in full scale since yesterday.
She really looks sleepy but is earnestly listening to the class of Overseas Mission 2.

For Afternoon Meeting : Fasting Prayer Meeting

They are reading Bible for the fasting prayer meeting starting at 1pm d(^_^o)

Overseas Mission 2

Class of Overseas Mission 2 through PC.
I am taking now.
The mission team is sent to USA in December this month.

Message : Monday Service

He is preaching a message, Philippians 1:3 - 11  d(^_^o)

Testimony of God : Monday Service

Today, Pastor Junko Kihara is in charge of delivering her testimony of God in Monday Service.

Special Song, Monday Service

Today, PLUS is performing a special song in Monday Service.
"Song of Joy"

Message: Early Morning Prayer Meeting

Pastor Yamamoto is preaching brief message now.

Fasting Prayer Meeting: Early Morning Prayer Meeting

Now, early morning prayer meeting just started in the fasting prayer meeting held from Sunday, December 1 to 3. We wish He might reveal His presence abundantly.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

The Group Austrian Airlines

The Group Austrian Airlines, eight members safely arrived at Narita International Airport about one hour earlier than the scheduled time.
Thank you for your intercessory prayer!!

Arrival At Narita International Airport

Arrived at Narita International Airport at 7:12am

Before Departing To Narita

We could use ten Euro voucher, which we got for unserved snack at the flight from Tokyo to Vienna.


In arriving at Frankfurt
a double rainbow appeared!!
Thank You, God,
for the heavenly sign!!!

Please Pray

The Israel team is on going back Japan.
Six members of the group Lufthansa going through Frankfurt, and a member of the group Austria going through Vienna are sick.
Please pray for them.


It's sunny.
Good weather

Free For A While

Members of the group from Vienna to Narita are eight.
They are free for a while until boarding after they had a time of prayer.

Arrival At Vienna

Halo appeared above the plane which just landed at Vienna from Tel Aviv.
The Europe team and the Israel team used this airplane now.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Will Depart Soon

The team to Europe members and some of the team to Israel members 
go to Vienna together.



Boarding Gate 9

Austrian Airlines

Check In

Arrival At The Airport

The bus arrived at the airport

See Off


We leave with prayer by Pastor Yumino, the leader of the bus

See Off

Natalia accompanied with us this time as a tour guide.

To The Bus

Packing luggages into the bus


some snacks and drink are being served.


Gathering at a lobby
The group Lufthansa are gathering at 1am in the lobby.

Please Pray

Two members, the Lufthansa group have a fever, and a member, the Australia Air have a fever.
They are decreasing a little with prayer and medicine.


She enjoys holding 

Not toys


adorable son
they similar each other


Last Benediction

With thanksgiving to God,
all meetings were over.


Speaking the word of God's Wisdom and Knowledge,
the time of healing and prayer is being done.

To The Lord

More greater testimonies will be revealed this year.
This is by the Lord!!
Therefore, we go to the Lord!!

Testimony of Benjamin

Testimony of Benjamin is very efficient.
The way Holy Spirit works is quite different!

By The Lord

By the Lord is by the word of God!
Never take a step backward by yourself

Blessing of the Lord

To have come here is we are already stepping into!
The blessing of the Lord is 


God is working to let us rejoice

A Miracle After Another

Miracles takes place one after another.
Today, we met Korean people on the Mount of Olives again.
Unusual thing is taking place !